Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Thought For Today

You must be open to change in order to have effective change in your life.

Take from that what you want. For me, it means that I'm super stoked to see my new counsellor next Thursday. I want to make effective, positive change in my life, and I plan by fixing a few things first. Learning to deal with my emotions and thoughts in a positive way. I don't want to be on the meds forever. Therapy WITH the meds will help for the time being. After that, time will tell.

Sounds sort of esoteric, but on a journey of self discovery, it can be a bit esoteric. I'll be weird for a while. I'll be a bit strange, a bit well...estoeric. I'm coming around. Things are changing.

I am changing.

And it's good change.

1 comment:

  1. Change is very good. I'm glad you are embarking on a new adventure of change with such a great attitude. You'll go far.
